Big Small One
by Terry Wildman

A small-one has been born for us,
a son has been gifted to us.
The guidance of all people
will come to be on his shoulders.
He will be called: "Wisest of elders",
"Great and powerful Spirit",
"Grandfather from before there was time",
"Grand chief of peace".
His guidance of peace
will reach as far as the eye can see
and will last longer than the end of all days.
He will sit,
in the seat of honor, of his ancestor: "Much loved one".
From this honored place
he will choose what is good and right for all people.
He will make sure all wrongs,
from the beginning of time till the end,
have been made right.
The burning desire of "Yahweh-
who has many warriors"
will make this happen.

Copyright © 2007 Terry M. Wildman,
Used by permission, all rights reserved.